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George Perry, "Life of Python"

Started February 120 � Finished February 12, 2002; 192 pages. Posted 13 February 2002

Question: How can you write about five really funny guys, one of the funniest series ever made (not to mention some great films), and make a book about Monty Python that�s totally devoid of anything humorous whatsoever?

I simply don�t know, but this George Perry guy is an expert on the matter. It�s astounding how mediocre this is. This book pans out like watching slides of your grandmother�s funeral. And it�s repetitive to boot!

I had planned to point out how Perry repeats himself nearly verbatim in one passage, but then I noticed he did it again! And again! And again! There are at least five points in this relatively short book (considering there are a lot of photographs) where he rips off earlier material for two to three entire paragraphs!

Rating: We have found a witch, may we burn her?

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