The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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Hermann Hesse, "Demian"

Started May 13 � Finished May 14, 2002; 182 pages. Posted 14 May 2002

Okay. Friday I went to Flogging Molly. The ad said, �Come get drunk with Flogging Molly,� so I did. So drunk in fact that the next day was a complete washout and I could barely move. But, after sleeping until 2 in the afternoon, I just couldn�t fall asleep again even though I really wanted to. I finally drifted off sometime after 1 a.m.

The next day I went to work, still bruised up and probably still hung over, seeing how bad as I felt. I was also still really tired. Unfortunately, I also had a paper that was due at 9:30 the next morning. I started on it when I got home and fought off sleep from 8 p.m. until 12:30 a.m., when I finished.

I was pretty pleased with myself for finishing so quickly, and it meant that I would get a goodly amount of sleep. Or so I thought. After fighting sleep for so long my body just gave up and said, �Fine, you wanted to stay up. Now stay up!� After a full episode of MST3K (with commercials) played, I decided to try and read, hoping that would knock me out.

And this Hesse book is what I started with. Normally it takes me a while before I really get wrapped up in a story, but I was immediately hooked with this one. Fortunately, my plan worked and I finally cocked out around 45 pages into it � or at 4 in the morning. Then I was up at eight, for a full day of school and work.

At ten o�clock last night I this close � THIS CLOSE to being asleep � when the earthquake started. As you can probably guess, I have a lot of bookcases, and none of them are wall mounted, Three of them stand right next to my bed. So when noticed the ground was shaking, I had to leap up and away from my bed. And of course, that adrenaline kept me up until around 3:30 in the morning. And again, I had to get up at eight for classes.

So yeah, this book is really good. I had read Siddhartha before, but after seeing Keanu Reeves in �Little Buddha,� I just can�t take anything involving eastern philosophy seriously. But while the book seemed to start off very straight forward as I was reading early on Monday morning, it really took a hallucinatory turn today and I�m not entirely sure that it wasn�t my over-tired brain making it like that. In either case, it worked out pretty well. I kind of think I should read it again. But I�m not. I�m going to bed. Hopefully.

Rating: Worth buying new.

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