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Harlan Ellison, �I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream�

Started February 26 � Finished February 27, 2003; 175 pages. Posted 03 March 2003

Personal encounter stories with Harlan Ellison are apparently legendary. I've certainly heard enough of them just from customers coming through the store. These stories don't even have a reference point. I had never read anything by him, and most of the time those telling the stories weren't buying anything by him either.

But the one thing ALL the stories have in common is that Harlan Ellison is a jerk. Every story I've heard about him involves him being a total and complete asshole. The guy is apparently three feet tall, so that's a whole lotta short man's attitude to deal with.

Each of the short stories in this book have an introduction by Ellison, and guess what? He comes off like a dick. Big surprise. There are usually two kinds of assholes, those who think they can beat everybody up, and those who think they're smarter than everybody else, but can't beat anybody up. Shorty here is of the second variety. Not only does he think he's a super genius of the Wile E. Coyote variety, but he thinks he's the best goddamn writer ever.

Well, I got news for you, Mr. Munchkinson - You ain�t. But you aren�t that bad either. So for that, I guess I won't kick your ass.

Rating: Worth Used.

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