The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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Associated Press �Enterprise - Oct. 97 - Sept. 98�

Started June 3 - FinishedJune 7, 2004; 136 pages. Posted 16 June 2004

[Ed Note: If you looked at the profile on my link, you know that I�ve been bringing old reviews from 2002 until July of last year over from a Web site that is now defunct. This entry was put up when this site that you�re now reading was finally unveiled.]
We need to talk.

I know, it�s never something good when you start with something like that. But just hear me out for a little while.

We�ve been seeing each other, you and I, for quite a long time now. Nearly two and a half years, in fact. In that time, we�ve laughed together, cried together, told bad jokes, and talked about hundreds of bands and movies and books.

It�s been great.

Really great. But I have to be honest with you. I�ve been seeing another Web site.

See, you and I have been seeing each other exclusively this entire time, and there�s so much more I want to do, but can�t seem to do it with you. You seem to be perfectly happy for me do nothing but talk about the books I read and the people I see, and that�s fine, but I�m feeling stifled. There�s so much more I want to do. I want to have links and comment systems and referral logs and easy navigation, and I can�t do that here. I also want to connect with people that I haven�t hung out with for the last 15 years, but our world is so small and self-enclosed, that I feel I can�t reach past my neighbor. This new site is allowing me to do this.

Don�t cry honey.

It�s not that bad. I still love you, and always will. I�ll even keep telling you the same stories if you want me to, but I have to see what else is out there. I hate to sound so obvious, but it really isn�t you � it�s me.

It�s like this last book I read, put out by Associated Press. It was shortly after reading this when I had the epiphany. See, like AP, I may write my stuff from one location, but I want people to be able to read it all over the world. AP does this by releasing books like this, so editors in different areas can see what these reporters are writing, and then publish them in different cities. If they can do it, why shouldn�t I?

What�s that? Who is it? You don�t know her, but I�ve been slowly moving my bstuff over to her place. She lives over at diaryland. She knows about you. She even said you could drop by if you�d like. The address is

Obviously, it�s going to take a while to get all my stuff over to her place, as we�ve built a lot together...

Are you mad?

You shouldn�t be...What? No, I didn�t use you! Look, we both got something out of this! Oh come on, hitting me isn�t going to make things any better. I...

OW! Knock it off! I�m trying to be civil about this! I... Hey, put that down!

This isn�t going to solve anything! Stay back! Back! Look, this thing is loaded, and I know how to use it! Don�t come any closer!

That�s it! I�m glad I�m going! This new site understands me! You just hear what you want and don�t have any regard for how I feel about it. So goodbye. Maybe I�ll post again after you�ve calmed down and grown up a little.

Rating: Private press so you can�t find it, and there�s no reason why you should.

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