The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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Bob Fingerman, �Minimum Wage� (Multiple titles)

Started August 1 � Finished August 1, 2004; 192 pages. Posted 30 September 2004

So I blew it. I�m usually very good about making sure I have another book to read just in case I finish the one that I�m on. But I hadn�t been home in a while, and I had some extra time. The (ex)girlfriend was clearing away some of her clutter, and decided she wanted to sell a few things off. These were two of those things, and since I found myself with some free time as she worked on her magazine article, I sat down and read them.

I don�t blame her for deciding to get rid of them.

A little unfair perhaps. This is one of those talky semi-autobiographical indy comics, meaning nobody gets in fights, there aren�t any super villians, and there isn�t anything threatening the world.

That�s fine. I always liked when a Marvel superhero would get a little pissy about having to save the world again. But nothing really happens to this guy in the space of two graphic novel collections. To steal a line from The Ex, it�s like watching a security camera. There�s no tension except for the occasional girlfriend going slightly nutso, and it�s usually over in a page or two, so we go back to watching him over-analyze every little situation.

And the security camera is always on. Naked cartoon fucking.


Rating: Worth working in a used bookstore and getting for cheap. And we have copies. Need a job?

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