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John Steinbeck, �Of Mice and Men � a play in three acts�

Started August 29 � Finished August 30, 2004; 172 pages. Posted 11 October 2004

This is part fourteen of a 25-part story about Hawaii. The story begins here. Part five is located here. Part ten is here. Other parts you'll have to find yourself. So there.
After the boat trip, despite the fact that they fed us, the idea of pizza sounded amazingly good. This probably follows under the same vein when I discovered that after drinking a lot of shitty beer, the idea of 7-11 nachos sounds like a good idea.

Yes kids, it�s true � drinking impairs your judgement.

I got more beer at the pizza place. Let�s just say I passed out early.

So I woke early the next morning � very early. I had no idea when The Girlfriend went to sleep, so I crept out of bed and started to read.

I�m doing pretty well on my book ratio � we�ve been here nine days, and I�ve finished 16 books. (Don�t try to match the days with the books, cause you�ll just drive yourself as crazy as I did when I first started to outline this trip after we got back.)

I�ll say this though, plays are easy to whip through in a short time, especially when you�re working with Of Mice and Men which ain�t all that long to begin with. Imagine how much shorter it is when you take all the descriptions of the countryside out.

Arlette�s still sleeping. This is good. It�s not easy to sleep in this house. She�s been under a lot of stress lately, and when she gets stressed, she gets ill. She seems much more relaxed now. I sneak glances at her as she sleeps, smiling.

I finish my book and start another one. I�ve had no outside media � no television, no newspapers, no Internet, and no music in nine days.

I�m actually kind of bored. But hey, at least I�m bored � on Kaua�i.

Rating: Worth working in a used bookstore and getting for cheap.

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