The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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End of the Month Roundup: June, 2006

Started June 2 - Finished July 1, 2006. Posted 07 August 2006

Ach! Again, I�m sitting down to write a review, and again, I discover that I need to do one of these monthly roundup things. Let�s just get this over with.

At the end of June, 2006, I...

Which makes the 2006 total...

Since it�s already August, I can see on the desk in front of me how many books I finished for July (ten), so at least it�s sort of improving. And I�ll be leaving for California in four days, which means long plane rides and numerous train rides from San Francisco to San Jose. I would say this should help up the total, but I only have six books left. Good thing I plan to work a few days at the bookstore.

And Christ, now I don�t want to write another entry. Lemme make a drink first. Check back in about an hour or three.

Rating: n/a

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