The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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David Cogswell, �Chomsky for Beginners�

Started September 1 � Finished September 1, 2002; 153 pages. Posted 04 September 2002

Okay, I�m not really a beginner on Chomsky, especially seeing how I slogged through 12 of his books already. I think that leaves me with, let�s see, how many remaining books left to read by him? Two hundred? Three?

Still, nearly all of these Beginner books feature dead white guys. How cool is it to read about somebody who I just saw speak at a rally not more than six months ago?

Plus all of the central pages and points have an accompanying cartoon, more often than not featuring Noam Chomsky in a superhero costume, complete with cape, tights, and big glasses. Look! Up in the sky! It�s a bird! It�s a plane! IT�S A NERD! Yes, Super Chomsky! THRILL! as he analyzes the syntactic structure of children! MARVEL! as he bends grammatical structure with a single anaphor! GAPE! in open-mouth slack-jawed wonder as he dissects the propaganda model for the media elite!

Or just watch the documentary Manufacturing Consent — it�s all the same information.

Rating: Worth new!

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