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The Onion Staff, �Dispatches From the Tenth Circle - The Best of The Onion�

Started December 10, 2002 � Finished March 12, 2003; 174 pages. Posted 20 March 2003

I know, the last time I reviewed a collection by The Onion, I was a little disappointed. There was too much redundancy, particularly with the stories which essentially repeated the headlines and beat the joke to death.

In addition, that last collection was attempting to chronicle the last 100 years, and sometimes they just seemed to run out of ideas. This collection represents things that are much more recent, and I can now say that I want to join their staff.

There are some really funny things here, both in the political vein and with things that are trying to shock the hell out of everybody. Let me just give some of the headlines away.

There�s just so much that agrees with my warped little mind. Besides, how can you not like a magazine that has a jump promotion saying, �Hulk Smash � Page 4B�?

So I just got the graduation commencement announcement in the mail today, and unless I get accepted to another school for my Masters, I�ll need to get a real job soon. And The Onion seems to be one of the few papers left where I would actually be able to do honest journalism.

This is especially true right now, as you don�t even need to make up things that are totally ridiculous. I always forget to keep checking the Web site, so I don�t know if they�ve already used these ideas, but I�ve thought up headlines for stories: Consider this my resume.

So, does anybody have any connections?

Rating: Worth new!

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