The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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David Mack, "Kabuki: Dreams"

Started August 28 � Finished August 28, 2004; 40 pages. Posted 10 October 2004

This is part ten of a 25-part story about Hawaii. The story begins here. Part five is located here. Other parts you'll have to find yourself. So there.

Oh Christ, my legs don�t work.

After that hike (detailed in the last two entries), it feels like I�m never going to move again. I certainly don�t want to. In fact, we don�t, only occasionally getting up to refuel off of junk food. I utilize the fact that my father�s water heater seems to be unending, and soak in the tub several times. I invite The Girlfriend to join me, but she glares involuntarily at the thought of having to position her body in any position that might prove uncomfortable.

Since I�m the one that caused this discomfort, I don�t press the thought.

Today�s obviously going to be a total washout. That�s okay. I can use it to wash out the stiffness in my joints.

I can read during this time as well. Going through ten books in four days may seem like quite a bit of progress, but I know that I have much longer books coming up on my list. In addition, in three days we�ll be living at campgrounds, so my reading time will stop at 7:00 p.m. as they�ll be no lights to read by.

So I take this book in the bath with me, as it�s obvious that I won�t be joined by The Girlfriend. Soaking for my third time of the day, I wondered how much work of Dave McKean this author had studied before he decided to rip him off.

I woke up later, after I had accidentally slipped underneath the water. As I sat up spluttering, I decided he must have looked at a lot.


Rating: Worth working in a used bookstore and getting for cheap.

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