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Nigel Planer and Terence Blacker, �Neil�s Book of the Dead�

Started February 5 � Finished February 5, 2005; 120 pages. Posted 14 March 2005

I saw �Evil Dead Live� in San Francisco three days ago. The cast, mostly 20-something kids who aspired toward matinee dinner theater, combined the three Evil Dead movies into a single story and recreated it on a lone set from the cabin, using most deaths to saturate the audience with fake blood.

When act one finished, our MC (Animal from the Muppets, held up underneath a makeshift window) announced we could go to the lobby. As people started to remove the plastic tarps from their torsos, one guy to my left complained that this wasn�t how the movie ended.

I shook my head, which wasn�t easy to do considering I had a severe bout with the flu at the time. Yes, that�s not how the movie ended. The movie also didn�t have the Ash looking confused while pulling out a Bruce Campbell biography when he finds the tape recording with the passages. It�s a fucking parody/homage, you nitwit!

Later, during the second act, I smiled to myself while stamping my foot in full-blown laughter when that guy got a bucket of blood tossed directly at his face.

I can�t be surprised � if you go to a live performance of the Evil Dead movies, you have to expect geeks to be there. The girl who accompanied me commented how she was pleasantly surprised that the place didn�t reek from the stench of gamers. Must be that seaside air.

Besides, I don�t really have the room the make fun of the geeks. After all, I was totally giddy about the prospect of going to this, and when I woke up the next morning, sick out of my skull and liquid projectiles threatening to shoot out of both ends, I still refused to go home. I spent the entire day afterward motionless on my bed, despite that I was supposed to be at work, still stewing in the juices of fake blood amongst other liquids.

And now that I�m better, the first book I have to review is an offshoot from the British television series, The Young Ones. If you need an idea on how much I love this show, take a look here and scroll down a bit until you reach the photo.

So sure, I�m a geek. But hey, not only do I shower, but I smoke in the shower, so I�m not that much of a geek.

Since it�s been over a month since I finished this, I thumbed through it trying to remember what I thought about it, and I remember occasionally thinking, �hey, that doesn�t really sound like something Neil would say...�

Oh dear god...

I think I need to take another shower.

Rating: Worth working in a used bookstore and getting for cheap.

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