The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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Michael Chabon, �Wonder Boys�

Started July 8 � Finished July 12, 2003; 369 pages. Posted 21 July 2003

I can�t figure out if I like Michael Chabon or not. That�s something I should be able to make a judgment call on, as this is the third book I�ve read by him. I know I don�t not like him, but I just don�t really care. Reading Chabon is like reading a semi-interesting article in a waiting room. You read because there�s nothing else to do. Though I did and do have other things to do, hence why it took me so long to finish this book.

And the book is pretty damn long considering it�s not all that engaging. It has enough moments that are clever or funny so I didn�t get annoyed while I was reading. But I couldn�t help notice the parallel with the main character, a Salinger-type author who had a hit but hasn�t presented a follow up. He struggles with the book�s verbosity. Along the way, one of his students, who happen to live in his house, and who he happens to have a crush on, reads through the entire book. He asks her for her opinion.

�It starts out great, Grady. Really great. For the first two hundred pages or so I was loving it.� [...] �But then�I don�t know.� [...] �Well, then it starts�I mean parts of it are still wonderful, amazing, but after a while it just starts�I don�t know�it gets all spread out.� [...] �Okay, not spread out, then, but jammed too full.�

Her critique of the book goes on for another half page before she finally lets out an outburst.

�Grady,� she says, �You have whole chapters that go for thirty and forty pages with no characters at all!�

Actually, I feel like she�s explained this book, which just happens to be the author�s second novel. The difference is, this book got published. I could go on and on about this, and you�d probably continue to read the review. But really, isn�t there something you�d rather be doing right now?

And yes, I�m a little disappointed with the review as well, so ease off on the hate mail. Oh, I know � just like Chabon occasionally throws some sex into the works to keep you reading, I can do the same.

Seems I�ve joined the illustrious world of the player again, according to some. I didn�t know my sex life was so interesting to others, especially since there isn�t much to talk about lately. And unfortunately. Perhaps I�ve reached celebrity status, and people just want to gossip incessantly. Now I feel like Jennifer Lopez, and not because my butt�s too big.

Rating: Worth working in a used bookstore and getting on the cheap.

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