The Monkey King's Used Primate Emporium and Book Reviews

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Bil Keane, �Smile! with the Family Circus�

Started April 19 - Finished April 23, 2004; 160 pages. Posted 13 May 2004

Hey, hey! I finally got the images scanned for the Family Circus books, meaning I got somebody else to do it, as I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Many, many thanks to the Super Chicken!

This also means that I can finally put the last of the reviews up from 2004, and then I need to put the newer ones in proper chronological order. What this means is that I�ll be going into reruns for a bit. This will all be new to Diaryland people, and for the crossovers from the old site, it's a chance to reminisce.

Don't despair though; It shouldn't take too long to get back up to current reviews. After all, I have fuck all to do lately.

Except fix comic strips.

'How about that one, Mommy? She already has something to tie her up with!'

"How about that one, Mommy? She already has something to tie her up with!"

'Mother of God! That guy next to us is STILL jerking off!'

"Mother of God! That guy next to us is STILL jerking off!"

'Okay, now he stopped.'

"Okay, now he stopped."

'All right, the next person to call me 'Officer Gayman' is going to get their fucking teeth knocked out.'

"All right, the next person to call me 'Officer Gayman' is going to get their fucking teeth knocked out."

'Ah, the closet, the metaphor for my life.'

"Ah, the closet, the metaphor for my life."

'Mom? Mom? Oh, dammit, you're on 'shrooms again, aren't you.'

"Mom? Mom? Oh, dammit, you're on 'shrooms again, aren't you."

'The party's not over yet -- I just came home to get my siren and handcuffs.'

"The party's not over yet -- I just came home to get my siren and handcuffs."

(That's the original caption. There is no possible way to improve on it.)

Rating: Totally worth it.

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